From Malaga:
If you landed on Malaga airport, leave the ariport taking the highway A-7, direction Malaga. Exit the A-7 and join the A-45, direction Granada, Córdoba, Seville. Exit the A-45 at Casabermeja, and join the A-356, direction Vélez-Málaga, Colmenar, Riogordo. Exit the A-356, after kilometer 18, at the exit that indicates Riogordo, Periana, Mondrón, on the A-7204 and continue, direction Periana, Mondrón and finally join after Kilometer 15 (and before reaching Kilometer 14, on the left), to the MA-4102, direction Alfarnatejo. About 300 meters from this last incorporation, you will find, on the right, the lane and indication to Cortijo de Las Monjas, that takes you to the accommodation.
From Granada:
Take the A-92 towards Seville - Malaga. Take the A-92M towards Málaga and join the A-45, towards Málaga. Exit towards Casabermeja - Colmenar, Vélez - Málaga on the A-356 road. Exit the A-356, after kilometer 18, at the exit that indicates Riogordo, Periana, Mondrón, on the A-7204 and continue, direction Periana, Mondrón and finally join after Kilometer 15 (and before reaching Kilometer 14, on the left), to the MA-4102, direction Alfarnatejo. About 300 meters from this last incorporation, you will find, on the right, the lane and indication to Cortijo de Las Monjas, that takes you to the accommodation.
From Vélez-Málaga - Costa de Granada - Rincón de la Victoria:
From the A-7 motorway, take the Vélez Málaga exit to join the A-356 towards Colmenar, Viñuela, Vélez Málaga, Zafarraya. Continue on the A-356 until you join, after kilometer 56, the A-402 in the direction of Periana, Zafarraya, Alcaucín, Alhama de Granada, until you find (ATTENTION because we can go long) on the left-hand side the A- 7204, (after passing the Don Manuel Bridge) that takes us to Periana, once we have crossed the town of Periana we continue along this same road towards Colmenar, Riogordo, Mondrón. Once we have passed Mondrón entrance(on the left), we continue on the A-7204 road, without deviating until we see Kilometer 14 (and before reaching Kilometer 15, on the right), we will join the MA-4102, direction Alfarnatejo. About 300 meters from this last incorporation, you will find, on the right, the lane that takes us to the accommodation.
From Seville:
Take the A-92 towards Málaga. Continue on the A-92 until joining the A-45 towards Malaga. Exit towards Casabermeja - Colmenar, Vélez-Málaga, at exit 123, on the A-356 road. Exit the A-356, after kilometer 18, at the exit that indicates Riogordo, Periana, Mondrón, on the A-7204 and continue, direction Periana, Mondrón and finally join after Kilometer 15 (and before reaching Kilometer 14, on the left), to the MA-4102, direction Alfarnatejo. About 300 meters from this last incorporation, you will find, on the right, the lane that takes us to the accommodation.
From Córdoba
Take the A-45 towards Málaga. Exit at exit 123, direction Casabermeja - Colmenar, Vélez-Málaga on the A-356 road. Exit the A-356, after kilometer 18, at the exit that indicates Riogordo, Periana, Mondrón, on the A-7204 and continue, direction Periana, Mondrón and finally join after Kilometer 15 (and before reaching Kilometer 14, on the left), to the MA-4102, direction Alfarnatejo. About 300 meters from this last incorporation, you will find, on the right, the lane that takes us to the accommodation. \ R \ n * IMPORTANT NOTE *: to access the Cortijo las Monjas at no time is it necessary to drive on not asphalted roads. For any other indication, doubt or clarification contact us.